Why join my team?

Let's talk FAQ's

1.  How much am I gonna make?

At Jamberry, and independent consultant's commission is 30% of the retail value of the products.  Always.  No changes, no gimmicks.  30%.  No matter your rank, no matter how much you've sold for the month.  Everybody makes 30%.

2.  How much product do I have to buy every month to stay active?

What???  NONE.  To remain an active consultant, you have to SELL 160 PCV of product in a rolling 3 months.  In normal-person-speak, that means you have to sell $246 worth of product in a 3-month period.  You aren't going to be buying it yourself....that's what the customer does when she sees your awesome product.  There is NO requirement for consultants to purchase products to remain active in the company.

3.  What is this "PCV" of which you speak?

PCV stands for Personal Comissionable Volume.  It's equal to 65% of the retail price of the products you sell.  It's how Jamberry measures your sales and gives you promotions, rewards, and benefits, including business supply credit, free product credit, monthly incentives and the Jamberry incentive trip (It's a cruise this year!!!!).

4.  How many parties am I gonna have to force people to have?

Force???  No way.  People WANT to have Jamberry parties.  You can offer them three ways: In-home, Online, or Catalog/Basket.  You can also offer fundraisers, do vendor/temporary sales events, and host your own parties (and get the rewards!!!!).   Jamberry business is done through your own personal website, so you can also collect retail orders outside of parties.  It also means orders can be shipped directly to your customers so you don't have to sort and deliver.

The number of parties you have per month is entirely up to you.  There's no minimum requirement through Jamberry.  Of course, the more parties or events you have, the higher your sales, and the bigger your commission.  But it's all up to you and your goals! 

5.  What's this gonna cost me?

You can learn about the cost of the consultant kit here.  Better yet, contact me and I'll help you even more!

BTW...ask me how you can earn 25% to 50% off that kit.  I'd loooooove to tell you.

6.  What am I gonna get for signing up?

STUFF!  Your consultant kit comes with:

50 Catalogs
50 Brochures
100 order forms
Rubber Cuticle Pusher
100 Orange Sticks
5 Crystal Files
Hair dryer
Consultant Guide
3 Buffers
3 Sets of Scissors
50 Sample cards
1 Sheet of Nails in the Kit
Credit to order 3 sheets of nails of your choosing.
3 months of use on your personal website.

7.  Am I gonna sign up and never hear from you or anybody else again?

Of course not!  You'd be joining a large, supportive team with many training opportunities (and one awesome Facebook group page).  I'll be there every step of the way helping you to set up your parties, market yourself, and find opportunities to sell Jamberry.  

Plus, Jamberry offers a great rewards program for consultants who are in their first three months of selling Jamberry!  It's called the Fast Start.  It's designed to help you really get on your feet by not only showing you how to set clear sales goals, but also giving you free products and cash when you reach those goals to help you build inventory and materials!  During that time you'll also be invited to company Webinars to learn tips and techniques to help you on your way. If you can't make the actual webinar, they'll send you a link. 

If you still have questions, please contact me at hayley.ashmore@hotmail.com and ask away.  I'm here for you!

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