Sunday, March 10, 2013

Why I became a consultant!

I came across Jamberry Nails in a co-op I was part of on Facebook. I looked through the styles and I had to have them all. So I decided to take part in the bu 3 get 1 free deal and picked a couple of the designs I REALLY had to have. Less than a week later they were in my hot little hands and went straight onto my nails. 
I LOVED them and I HAD to have more. I decided to join an online Jamberry party that was going on, no we don't just do in home parties. I ordered some more, won some prizes and had a ton of questions. Needless to say that I had pretty much made up my mind that I wanted to join in on the fun. Shortly thereafter I signed up for my own online party. That way, I could not only invite my friends in town but all of my friends back home too! It was an awesome idea! My sales blew past my target goal and I won a bunch of prizes from participating in the party and playing the games. It was totally worth it!

I had so much fun with the party that I joined the family a couple weeks later. I have naked nails no longer!!! The shields are easy to apply and way too much fun to play with. I get compliments everywhere I go and questions of " Where can I get those?". They easily sell themselves.

So...I get to play, have fun, look great aaaand earn money... Sign me up!